*Industrial strength 60mm thick magnetic sheet / 2x thicker than the 30mm industry standard.
*Rigid aluminum adjustable arrow, full magnetic backing +2 additional neodymium 1/8" thick magnets for extra grab power.
*Full exterior rated digitally printed overlay, premium vinyl, additional
over-laminate for extra UV protection.
* Customizable to name your agency and fire concerns.
- Size 12" by 16"
Ideal for Forest Service Vehicles, Campground hosts, HOA monitoring vehicles, Fire Departments, BLM, Reservation Authorities.
Removable, use on multiple vehicles and locations
- Premium, extra strength magnetic backed flexible vinyl substrate
- Premium vinyl graphics and text
Movable magnetic arrow to adjust fire danger levels
- Order in 4, 5 or 6 categories
- Optional lower rider for improved communication i.e. NO FIREWORKS